Monday, February 9, 2009

Games of the Week: Week 6

Week 6: February 9th - 15th

Not really a new feature but seeing as its new to the blog and not the message board I was previously doing it at, it's all new. It's pretty self explanatory. Every week (usually on Saturday but occasionally I can't get around to it until Monday) I like to go over the games to be released this week. It helps me decide what I'm going to purchase (or rent) and what to earmark for later. And hopefully it'll help you...or the same.


Jake Power: Fireman
Moomin: The Great Autumn Party
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
Retro Game Challenge

Not the best week for the DS but you still probably have Moon and My World My Way to plow through so not to worry. I don't mind Splinter Cell but Conviction didn't really hold my attention when it originally hit the consoles and it just seems like a game that one would rather play on a console. I love my DS but not every type of game is prefect for it.

The gem here though is Retro Game Challenge which throws 8-bit sort of gaming conventions at you in the form of eight robust, full games. There's a Galaga clone, a Star Solider clone, a side-scroller....even an RPG if you can believe it. All holding true to 8-bit conventions. Yes, the whole thought process that retro games are a lot more challenging has reached an almost mythic plateau of late, but there is quite a bit of truth to it -- for better or for worse. What we expect out of games and conventions in games have changed immensely in the last 20 years. And I guess that's what makes this package a breath of fresh air, because a lot of us grew up on those older conventions and miss them terribly.

According to advance reviews the eight games are very fun and full experiences but at this point, with so many amazing titles coming in just the first half of 2009 I have a hard time throwing down $30 when I already have quite a few retro games sitting around my game room or on my virutal console...and the ones I uhm haven't

I'm sure the games are good but so are my Mega Man games or the multiple versions of Galaga I already have. Unless you have a hankering for a real good retro experience on your DS, I'd wait until its something you can pick up for about $20 or less.


LocoRoco 2

A lot of people say 2008 was a bad year for the PSP. Wrong. The second half of 2008 was bad for the PSP. First half of 2008 was amazing. Releases in the second half became a trickle but 2009 for the PSP has started out fair enough with the port of the excellent Star Ocean 2 (which I honestly didn't play the first time around) and DJ Max Fever already hitting in the first 5 weeks of the year, and now we get the sequel to LocoRoco in week 6 and for only $20. If you own a PSP and don't have the first LocoRoco...then you probably don't own a PSP and need to stop lying.

With more of the same from the sequel I believe this one is a no brainer for PSP owners. There's quite a bit of simple smile-inducing charm that comes from LocoRoco that was only equaled on the PSP by Patapon in 2008 (ok, I'm probably doing a bit of disservice to Downstream Panic.) It's $20. If you have a PSP you at least deserve it to yourself to pick it up, especially if you skipped out on DJ Max.


M&M Adventure

Yeah there's still stuff coming out on the PS2. But after two of the best RPGs ever to hit the system have hit in the past two months (Persona 4 and Ar Tonelico 2 for those wanting to keep score) it seems like the system just might be finally seeing itself out the door. I'm sure Madden 10 will come out in a PS2 flavor and that'll probably be the end for a while. Until indie guys in Japan start mucking around and putting stuff out much like they do from time to time on the Dreamcast and even the Genesis still. So I suggest getting your PS2 modded if you haven't already.


NASCAR Kart Racing
House of the Dead: Overkill
Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers
Deadly Creatures

House of the Dead actually ain't bad. I played a little bit of it this weekend and its a welcome addition to a Wii line-up devoid of titles that blend this sort of mature atmosphere and the casual feel of the system. It's probably a step or two behind HotD2 or even HoTD4 but it's definitely worth a flyer. The language could be toned down a bit though. I know you're trying for a mature title but it doesn't feel natural to throw it in every line. Still this is the Wii's first must-own of 2009.

I haven't really paid too much attention to Deadly Creatures when it was first announced; it honestly sounded like a joke title and the announcement came at a time when my faith in the platform was wanning. I think you can file it under a pleasant surprise if early reviews (#2) hold up. Just on originality it probably deserves a flyer for not only Wii owners but for those of us that claim (or bitch) nothing new is coming down the pipeline. You play either as a scorpion or a tarantula surviving in the world with this strange narrative encompassing it all. Definitely worth a look on that alone. Top it off with one of the best graphics package on the Wii and waggle controls for only secondary actions (showing other 3rd party developers how to get it right) and I think it goes alongside Overkill as a must get for Wii-owners.

Finally we have One-chan bara. Bikini-clad samurai chicks killing zombies. On the Wii. What more do you want? It looks like one hell of a guilty pleasure but I'm looking for a good hack'n'slash with Afro Samurai being a decent rental-only last week.

X BOX 360

Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad

Obviously the Wii and 360 One-chan bara games are off the same property but not the same game, with the Wii taking more advantage of the waggle controls and the 360 game taking advantage of -- you know -- graphics. I'll probably wind up getting both, but not right away.

MULTIPLATFORM (360 and PS3 titles)

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection
Project Origin: FEAR 2

I'm not entirely sure why it's Sonic's collection but for the price ($40) this is probably the best collection (to date, seeing as I have a couple other collections like it prior) encompassing the Genesis library. I still think there are some glaring omissions but licensing isn't always the easy thing on the face of the Earth to accomplish, especially over a decade later. Not only do you get to play these games in HD but the game is worth the price of admission alone for the three Phantasy Star titles. Try finding those three on ebay and spend less than $40.

As for Project Origin, I liked the original FEAR a lot but something about the demo didn't do it for me. I can't place my finger on it but a lot of amazing games had piss-poor demos this generation so I guess it at least makes the game a rental and wait and see. Maybe a buy -- if we've learned anything from the Japanese, pale-skinned children are scary as fuck. Project Origin is also available on the PC.

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